I should not know who Jon and Kate Gosselin are, yet tragically, I do. Right now they are probably more recognizable than the Vice President of this country.
At first, they began to gradually creep in to my life. Everytime, I would be going through the channel guide on my TV, it seemed that TLC would be airing back to back to back to back episodes of their reality show. I never was curious enough to check it out. After all, most people could probably guess what the show was about from the title - two idiots who thought it would be cool to have eight kids and were subsequently rewarded a TV show so the rest of could see how crazy their lives were and vicariously experience their ups and downs. Not my cup of tea. I would rather watch professional wrestling.
Eventually, I started hearing people talk about them at work. My former boss' kid loved the show. She referred to it simply as "Babies". I have to admit, I thought that was cute. That was all well and good. I would hear random comments and discussions, and from time to time I would even chime in with my two cents on the idea of having eight kids (In a nutshell, I'm against it). But things would eventually get way out of hand.
As most of us now know, the marriage hit a rough patch. There were allegations of cheating and cruelty and drug trafficking. Ok, I made that last one up, but you get the point. Nearly every possible "news" source was reporting on these two clowns. If you went to the grocery store during that period there would be half a dozen magazines with them on the cover. I had never been so sick of two people I had never met.
What really makes me sick, is the thought of what kind of damage these morons must be doing to their kids. I couldn't imagine growing up on TV and having my entire family's dirty laundry displayed for the world to see. It will be a miracle if these kids turn out as healthy, functioning members of society. I have a terrible feeling that some of these kids might wind up making Lindsay Lohan and Brittney Spears look normal.
The reason I'm on here ranting now is because, they just won't go away. Everyday, I get on a site like Yahoo! to see what all is going on and everyday there is a new headline. Today's had something to do with Kate receiving an offer to pose in Playboy. Yeah, that will be good for that family. Mommy posing naked ought to help the Gosselins get back to a "regular" life. I'm ready for the next worthless phenomenon to come along and capture the hearts of America. NO MORE JON & KATE!!!!!