I know smoking is bad for you. I know it's potentially bad for those around you. And let's face it, it's those people around you that have bitched and moaned their grievance all the way to becoming state law. To those people, I say, boo-fricking-hoo. If I don't give a crap about my health, why should I care about yours. Non-smokers are without a doubt the biggest bunch of crybabies in the entire world.
One of you little pansies is probably reading this now and saying, Oh, but I have asthma. You're second hand smoke might trigger an attack. To that, I say, GOOD! I'm glad you have asthma. I'll probably get emphysema, but you don't hear me bitching. Cowboy up!
I could go on about this topic for a while, but I could really use a smoke right now. So later.