Friday, February 26, 2010

The Death of Smoking

So, it's almost official. Assuming the governor signs off, beginning July 1 it will no longer be legal to smoke in any public place in the state of Kansas. So this is a good thing....I guess.

I know smoking is bad for you. I know it's potentially bad for those around you. And let's face it,  it's those people around you that have bitched and moaned their grievance all the way to becoming state law. To those people, I say, boo-fricking-hoo. If I don't give a crap about my health, why should I care about yours. Non-smokers are without a doubt the biggest bunch of crybabies in the entire world.

One of you little pansies is probably reading this now and saying, Oh, but I have asthma. You're second hand smoke might trigger an attack. To that, I say, GOOD! I'm glad you have asthma. I'll probably get emphysema, but you don't hear me bitching. Cowboy up!

I could go on about this topic for a while, but I could really use a smoke right now. So later.  


  1. Everybody, close your eyes and think of all your loved ones who were struck down by second hand smoke. I can count mine on no hands.

    I don't smoke, but I don't understand all the energy toward banning smoking in every place with a roof. Especially bars. After a night at the old booze-hole, cigarette smoke is probably the best-smelling odor on you.

    Personal freedoms are SO nineteenth century. I'm taking bets on the next subculture to be ostracized. I'm guessing it's people who smell like peanuts.

    You, sir, are worse than Hitler...

  2. I like the rule. For my children, as well as for me. I know after I saw my child in the hospital in an oxygen tent struggling to breath, I would have punched someone out if they smoked around her. We had to be careful where we went, because of the not so well ventilated smoking sections at restaurants. But that is just me. I guess I am selfish for wanting my child to be able to breath. You have a choice, they don't.
    Now, I don't take her to a bar or anything, and I could have made the choice not to take her to the restaurant, which we have done. But, why can't smokers just not smoke while they are out to eat? Or, step outside if you have to smoke?
    For myself, I have wanted to punch YOU out because of your smoking while I was recovering from pneumonia. It sucks. My thoughts are kind of like this, until you walk in our shoes, don't judge. When you are walking around with your oxygen tank, you too will understand. Don't make me have to have one just because you have an addiction.
    And, I have been a smoker, and I hated smokers that smoked when we were eating. I did it outside.
    I guess the BIG problem are the bars. Well, I don't go to those anymore, so smoke away! (But, for the record, I did not like it when it was all smokey.)
    And, by the way, WELCOME BACK!!!

  3. First of all, as a non-smoker, I agree and disagree with you. In my younger and stupider days, I beat wholesale as! for smoke blown into my face and the face of my pregnant wife. I don't think smokers should have the right to smoke anywhere they want. It's a personal choice to smoke so keep it in your personal space. I think there are some exemptions to the law however, so just go to those place if you feel the need to smoke in front of others.

  4. Let me ask you a question Chris. Do you smoke in the car with your niece and nephew?

  5. Andy, no I don't smoke in the car with them. I do, however, smoke when I take them to the bar with me. I figure if they don't like it they can drink at home.
