Monday, April 5, 2010

Re-Elect No One

I wouldn't normally endorse anyone living there life by the wisdom of bumper stickers. Even the most clever of them usually have a hole or two in their logic. For example, if you don't like someone's driving, calling 1 -800 - EATS#*! will only lead you to disappointment. Trust me, I've tried. 

The ones in particular, that should never be taken seriously are political bumper stickers. I'm not voting for anyone because the jackass driving in front of me thinks that I should. Nor do I care, about any of his political beliefs. I have to say though, that I've recently seen one that promoted an idea that is really growing on me. If you haven't guessed from the title of this post, that idea is:

Re-Elect No One

In the past, when I've broached the subject of politics on this blog, I've been careful not to promote my own agenda. I've really only voiced my disgust with politicians in general. I guess this is just more of the same. The fact is, a lot of us seem to think that Washington has become broken beyond the point of repair. If that's the case, there's only one thing to do - Flush it away.

I'm not sure if the bumper sticker was telling us to get rid of everyone from The President all the way down to our local school boards and city commissions. For now, I'm stopping at Washington. Don't get too comfortable though, Topeka. I've got my eye on you.

Now the last time I discussed politics, someone was quick to point out how backwards my thinking was. And I really hope that someone out there will look at this and tell my why it's a bad idea. Because, frankly, I've haven't really thought it out too far.


  1. Well here is one problem. What happens when you fire everyone at an establishment and hire totally new people? For one you get rid of old ways of thinking and old biases. You know what else you get, EXTREME inefficiency cuz noone knows how to do the job they were hired to do. This is why when companies want to change out their workforce they do it gradually, in phases. Also, usually, they don't fire everyone, they keep a couple of people that were doing some good. You can't tell me there is nobody doing any good in Washington, that's just cynical and paranoid. I think you're initial idea on the thought behind bumper stickers is right. Form you own damn opinions.

  2. Wow!!!!!!! You are always sticking your NOSE in everyone's business are'nt you???????

  3. @Anonymous
    If that was directed at me then I don't know how to argue with such a cogent and literate argument. I concede. You have won the internet. If it was directed at Chris, flame away.

  4. Something I really want to see is a bumper sticker combo of Calvin whizzing on a real campaign bumper sticker of Candidate X...
    And the Jesus fish.

  5. Isn't it hilarious that the comic by Watterson that espoused free-thinking and individuality, and featuring the names of two of the western world's most intelligent philosophers has been co-opted. Yeah, Calvin peeing on a ford symbol, that is apparently the new height of intellectualism. Just THINK dammit.

  6. BTW Saw truck-nutz on a prius the other day. Twas' awesome.

  7. I Love you more:) This is directed at Chris:) Thanks for getting back to blogging, I missed you!!!!!!!
