Friday, September 4, 2009


So "The King of Pop" Michael Jackson was finally laid to rest yesterday evening. What the hell? Hasn't he already been dead for like a year? What took so long? After all of these years did Billie Jean finally get around to asking for a DNA test. If so, was the kid his son? I don't mean to make light of tragedy, but the man died two months ago. When I go, I hope my loved ones don't sit around two months waiting to put me in the ground, unless they have some realistic expectation that I'll be coming back.


  1. California wouldn't release the body untill all tests were done. There is an ongoing investigation, and possible murder charges pending.

  2. Well, crap. You ruined my day. I had all intentions of taking you the local taxidermist and preserving you for a lifetime memory. Know that empty corner by my tv? It was reserved for you. Guess that I'll go buy a ficus, or a nice potted fern, instead. :)

  3. I agree with Angela. You could be like the dog on Scrubs. How freakin' cool is that?

  4. It's all about the money!
