Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm Glad I'm Not From The South

I just saw an article on Yahoo! from AP about a judge in Louisiana who refused to grant a marriage license to an interracial couple. His reason was that he did it to protect any children that the couple might have. Here's a quote from the crazy old southern gentleman:

"I'm not a racist. I just don't believe in mixing the races that way," Bardwell told the Associated Press on Thursday. "I have piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. I treat them just like everyone else."

Piles of them? He allows them to use his bathroom? Is it the same one that he and his white guests get to use? 

Here's a link for the whole story.


  1. So you think miscegenation is a Good thing? What about the purity of the white race? The Justice makes some very Good points about interracial couples. I wish more of us would stand up to the corruption of our country as this Gentleman has done. Praise God! "Black may be beautiful, Tan may be grand, but White is the color of the big boss man."

  2. "Black may be beautiful, Tan may be grand, but White is the color of the big boss man."
    at least this is what you believe.What if your wrong?how do you know ?

  3. Because it rhymes. Can you think of anything that rhymes with "equality"? I didn't think so. Check and mate.
    Besides God's children were made in his image. God's children are white. Ergo God is one amazin' Caucasian.

  4. when the honorable Mr. Bardwell said "piles of black friends" it was hard not to think of stacked corpses. he should have just went with my usual "mea culpa" when i am accused of raciousness: "some of my favorite athletes are black..."
    ps-crazy old southern gentleman is easily my favorite cheap whiskey.

  5. I agree with the judge.I wouldn't marry them either.I can't stand seeing a white girl with a colored boy. He was just using the children as a excuse. By the way Chris Johnson you are a complete JACKASS!

  6. Now now. The boy is just reciting what he's been taught. The liberal media has indoctinated him into it's Politically Correct agenda. That is no reason to call him names. His ability to unquestionably follow orders and conform to the lowest common denominator would be viewed as great achievment in some cultures. Just not ours.

  7. Ahhh...the anonymous world of blogs, where people can say what they know is wrong under the label of "anonymous." The "anonymous" that brought God into this should be relieved of his membership to the Church he belongs to, because he obviously doesn't grasp what is being said, unless the church teaches hatred, then it would be typical "teach what is not there" theology. Probably has a blonde haired, blue eyed Jesus on the wall.

    To the "anonymous" that thinks Chris conforms to a politically correct agenda of some sort has never spent any time with him. Sounds like you are wallowing in the current situation that was self-inflicted by your favored party, of near extinction. The country is currently not conservative, get over it and enjoy it while it lasts.

  8. After a night to think about these anonymous posters, they remind me of this guy, who is in a self inflicted stuper.

  9. Sorry...try this url...

  10. Well put Wes! To the person that called Chris a jack ass... you must have met him before. Although he prefers to be called stupid. LOL!

  11. The next time a klan member is playing with fire at a rally and his billowy white pajamas go up in a glorious blaze, I hope he is taken to a black doctor. I don't him to burn to death, but there is no reason that skin grafts have to be any less painful.

  12. I approve of the Judge's actions.

  13. Calling Chris a jackass aint gonna cut it, he gets called worse than that on Tuesday nights.

  14. I would say he should have married them. One condition. Was that man ready, willing,and capable of raising any offspring resulting from the marriage. Statistically that is a real rarity for most black men. (Not being racist, just throwing that out there. Don't kill the messenger. The racism is in the stats.)Most don't have problems creating, its the raising and providing that really put them out!!!

    Kill the welfare system!!!

  15. There are far more white men that are not "ready" and "capable" of raising children. If you look at the actual stats, rather than ones just pulled from the air, you will see that white people are the "drain" on the welfare system.

  16. I'm sick of white people always being the one called racist. Stuff that in your BLACK student union and united NEGRO college fund. Who's racist now?
